Time is of the Essence


 In the legal profession, the phrase ‘Time is of the Essence’ is a term of art that means the matter at hand must be performed immediately without delay. Any delay by a party during this transaction comes at a cost because such a delay would cause a hardship to the other party involved. Therefore, one party advises the other that ‘Time is of the Essence’ so there is no confusion about the urgency of completing the transaction.  

Well, I cannot think of a better phrase to describe where we find ourselves in the world right now. Time is certainly of the Essence as it relates to finding our way, establishing our voice, being heard, developing a platform, and fulfilling our purpose. Now is not the time to give up or give in. Hopelessness cannot prevail, not ever, and certainly not now. Whatever life changes you are experiencing, any dire circumstances you find yourself in, or any loss and grief you have endured, all of these things must be interpreted as calls to action; they should not cause you to become apathetic or to lose faith. Your life was not meant for complacency; and rest assured the fighters that came before you laid the foundation for you to pick up the baton and run.

Consider the possibility that the year 2020 IS the year for 2020 Vision but you just need to adjust your lens. The outlook you envisioned at the beginning of the year can still be realized but you must be open to making the appropriate adjustments. There is no question that this year has inserted permanent changes in our lives. As Discerners, we must accept these changes and learn the value of the pivot.

As I reflect upon all that has occurred this year so far, including people I lost and people the world has lost, particularly the passing of my brother and also the passing of Chadwick Boseman and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, I can see how despair looms in the background threatening to take over my perspective on life. I say that because my brother represented so much good and kindness in my personal space; Justice Ginsberg was the trailblazer who taught me the importance of fighting for necessary change; and Mr. Boseman ignited in me that spirit of selflessness I seek to attain in order to help others on a larger scale. 

With the loss of these people, it makes sense how the voice of despair can overpower a vision as it shouts a message of hopelessness and fear to the world. But here is the problem: the voice of despair is neither the voice of reason nor the voice of Discernment. Now is not the time to be fooled by the various messages circulating in the air. Loss and grief are necessary aspects of life that we must all endure. However, the presence of death is a stern and cold reminder to the living that, indeed, Time is of the Essence; Time is of the Essence because it is a Call to Action for the living to fulfill our missions in life; if we don’t move quickly, there will be swift consequences and hardships that will linger in our lifetime and beyond. 

We honor those we lost and those who instilled in us a sense of hope and accomplishment by heeding the lessons they taught us; we are also called to find the confidence to lead according to our unique gifts. Why else would we be left behind in a world that seems so cruel and unkind? 

Time is of the Essence because there is imminent work to be performed. The time has come for you to choose your vision wisely; you must pivot. You can either give in to despair or you can pick up that baton; but you cannot do both. Discernment requires that you re-focus and adjust your lens, taking into consideration the hard facts, lessons, legacies, and experiences and turn them into progress. The messages you see and hear swirling around that say ‘hope is gone’, or ‘we’re screwed’ is not the language of truth. We are still here for a reason. Therefore, we must think better of ourselves, our Heroes and our Sheros; everything you need to move forward has been there for you all along. The changes we recently experienced are a set of jump starters, nothing less. Choose to pivot. This is your Call to Action. Time is now of the Essence.

Jaks ElefanteFeatured